AuralCommunity Mercurial Microtones | 80edo Dark Ambient AE 0 A dark ambient drone featuring microtonal intervals under the influence…
AuralEsoteric Sulphuric Microtonality | 16edo Alchemy AE 0 An alchemy-inspired exploration of the octave divided into 16 equal…
AuralEsoteric Saltedo Dissonance | 11Edo + 17Edo AE 0 The dissonant intervals possible when overlapping multiple tuning systems. Specifically…
AuralMicrotonal sqrt(1111)edo ≈ 33⅓edo | Microtonal Ambience AE 0 Free form synth sketching in √1111edo (‘the square root of…
AuralEsoteric Modulated Mess w/ Liber Resh AE 0 A recitation of ‘Liber Resh vel Helios’ through delays, flangers,…
AuralCommunity Pogson’s Octave | ~ 9.0309-TET ~ 132.877 cents/semitone AE 0 Pogson’s Ratio (the fifth root of 100) refers to the…
AuralEsoteric Nakshatra Lords in 9/4 | Polyrhythmic Polymicrotonality AE 0 Algorithmic Composition featuring six simultaneous equal temperaments: 27Edo, 12Edo, 9Edo,…
AuralCommunity Jyotish Sonic Geometry | North Indian Astrological Chart AE 0 A Vedic Astrological Chart transformed into a cipher for the…
AuralEsoteric Ambient Ephemeris | Solstices & Equinoxes AE 0 Astrological sonification of the solstices and equinoxes from June 2024…