Arabic Gematria | Abjad Numerals | Hisab al-Jummal حِسَاب ٱلْجُمَّل

The numerical value for the letters of the Arabic alphabet in the Mashriqi abjad sequence. The soundtrack follows a custom cipher I created by mapping out the frequency of the Arabic letters across the keyboard. The chords for each letter are determined by the individual letters that spell their names in Arabic. Example: ا –…

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The 29th Path Microtonality between Earth and Venus | ק Qoph / The Moon / Pisces

#microtone #irrational #ratio #octave #treeoflife #qabalah Premise: The Earth’s volume is 1.166711545 times larger than Venus Idea: Create an equal temperament tuning with that ratio Method: Instead of the usual octave ratio of 2:1, create an octave ratio of Earth:Venus (1.166711545:1) Result: An equal temperament tuning calculated to be ~53.945-TET. Or, an irrational ration octave…

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