Nakshatra Lords in 9/4 | Polyrhythmic Polymicrotonality
Algorithmic Composition featuring six simultaneous equal temperaments: 27Edo, 12Edo, 9Edo, 7Edo, 5Edo, and 4Edo.
Algorithmic Composition featuring six simultaneous equal temperaments: 27Edo, 12Edo, 9Edo, 7Edo, 5Edo, and 4Edo.
Astrological sonification of the solstices and equinoxes from June 2024 through June 2025.
Sonification of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’s ‘Vault of the Adepti’ as featured in the ritual of the 5° = 6° grade of Adeptus Minor.
Experiment with a 3:7:12 polyrhythm composed of randomized pitch and pan. The numbers 3, 7, and 12 correspond to the arrangement of the pedals of the Rose Cross Lamen.
A sonification experiment inspired by the Cube of Space.
An ambient music theme strictly based upon the astrological chart for Southern Solstice 2023.
A three-part journey through the Minor Arcana following traditional astrological correspondences for notes and pitch.
An Aural / Visual Interpretation of the Invoking Planetary Hexagrams from the Ritual of Hexagram.
An Aural / Visual Interpretation of the Banishing Planetary Hexagrams from the Ritual of Hexagram.
#occult #microtonality #mystical #qabalah The 19th Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life connects the spheres of Mars (גְּבוּרָה / Geburah) and Jupiter (חֶסֶד / Chesed). The 19th Path is known as Teth, ט, or “the Serpent.” The corresponding Tarot card for this path is the Strength card in the Rider-Waite deck and the Lust…