sqrt(1111)edo ≈ 33⅓edo | Microtonal Ambience
Free form synth sketching in √1111edo (‘the square root of 1111’ Equal Divisions of the Octave ~ 36.00180 cents / semitone). Just to hear what it would sound like.
Free form synth sketching in √1111edo (‘the square root of 1111’ Equal Divisions of the Octave ~ 36.00180 cents / semitone). Just to hear what it would sound like.
Asonic meditation in an irrational tuning inspired by 777. √777-EDlog(777) ”The square root of 777 semitones is equally divided into a log(777) ratio octave.” Resulting in ~65.9212218 cents / semitone (~18.20354611-TET)n
#occult #microtonality #mystical #qabalah The 19th Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life connects the spheres of Mars (גְּבוּרָה / Geburah) and Jupiter (חֶסֶד / Chesed). The 19th Path is known as Teth, ט, or “the Serpent.” The corresponding Tarot card for this path is the Strength card in the Rider-Waite deck and the Lust…
#microtone #irrational #ratio #octave #treeoflife #qabalah Premise: The Earth’s volume is 1.166711545 times larger than Venus Idea: Create an equal temperament tuning with that ratio Method: Instead of the usual octave ratio of 2:1, create an octave ratio of Earth:Venus (1.166711545:1) Result: An equal temperament tuning calculated to be ~53.945-TET. Or, an irrational ration octave…
A mistaken calculation of ratio inadvertently inspired a psychedelic micro dub. I thought I was in 16:9; maybe the backstory for this #fail will be told another time. Instead, this piece will be in 143 cents/semitone, ~8.392edo (8.392-TET). Tarot cards featured in the video are from the I, IV, III of the Major Arcana: The…
A microtonal meditation inspired by the ratio between the base and height of the Great Pyramid of Giza (a.k.a. Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Cheops, الهرم الأكبر, Akhet Khufu, etc.)
An experiment with irrational ratio octaves such as √5:1, The Golden Ratio:1, π:1 and more.