Saltedo Dissonance | 11Edo + 17Edo
The dissonant intervals possible when overlapping multiple tuning systems. Specifically 11Edo and 17Edo. 11 and 17 were chosen because they are the atomic numbers for Na (Sodium) and Cl (Chloride) respectively.
The dissonant intervals possible when overlapping multiple tuning systems. Specifically 11Edo and 17Edo. 11 and 17 were chosen because they are the atomic numbers for Na (Sodium) and Cl (Chloride) respectively.
Sonification experiment with the 8-bit binary code
A text-to-speech rendering experiment with the diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Often the chaos and confusion of life needs to be turned down a few notches. This video is an aural demonstration of how it feels to be overwhelmed by everything surrounding…