Path 19 Microtonality between Mars and Jupiter | ื˜ Teth / Strength & Lust and Leo

#occult #microtonality #mystical #qabalah The 19th Path on the Qabalistic Tree of Life connects the spheres of Mars (ื’ึฐึผื‘ื•ึผืจึธื” / Geburah) and Jupiter (ื—ึถืกึถื“ / Chesed). The 19th Path is known as Teth, ื˜, or โ€œthe Serpent.โ€ The corresponding Tarot card for this path is the Strength card in the Rider-Waite deck and the Lust…

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The 29th Path Microtonality between Earth and Venus | ืง Qoph / The Moon / Pisces

#microtone #irrational #ratio #octave #treeoflife #qabalah Premise: The Earthโ€™s volume is 1.166711545 times larger than Venus Idea: Create an equal temperament tuning with that ratio Method: Instead of the usual octave ratio of 2:1, create an octave ratio of Earth:Venus (1.166711545:1) Result: An equal temperament tuning calculated to be ~53.945-TET. Or, an irrational ration octave…

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